
Friday 8 July 2016

Snacks Hunting @ Ipoh

After our lunch at Burps & Giggles and with some time on our hands still, we did a bit of snacks hunting in Ipoh before continuing with our drive home to KL.

First up was Sin Eng Heong, a bakery known for its delicious kaya puffs according to my friend who has eaten it.  When we got there, we saw a queue already forming that drifted out onto the sidewalk.  We enquired how long we would have to wait to get our hands on the kaya puffs and were told it'd be between half to one hour. We didn't think the shop would be bursting with customers since it was a Monday but we were quickly reminded by a man in the queue that it was a 'school holiday' Monday.  It seems you can't place an order and come back for it later either (perhaps, they derive great pleasure in seeing us queue)! >.<  Obviously, we couldn't wait and left.  Well, looks like I will have to wait a little longer to try the kaya puffs! :(

We also wanted to have a cup of Ipoh white coffee (before leaving) but also quickly abandoned the idea when we got caught in horrendous traffic in the city.

Next up, we stopped at this place, JJ Roll.  From the outside with the two cute mascots, you can pretty guess what they specialise here....cakes and swiss rolls.

Inside the shop, you'd see rows of fridge with lots of pre-packed swiss rolls stocked up ready for your selection....oh, and some cakes too.

They have an endless amount of flavours and they come in both mini and regular sizes.  The regular sized ones go for between RM8 to RM15 per box while the mini ones retail for RM8 and RM10 each.

This is a box of mini swiss rolls (16 pcs) @ RM8 with flavours of pandan, coffee, chocolate & vanilla. Some flavours (like coffee and chocolate) are more distinct than others.

The other two boxes of mini swiss rolls were filled with flavours of pumpkin, spinach, carrot & banana (top left) and orange tango, lemon, pink dragon & kiwi frenzy (bottom left), both @ RM10 each.

The swiss roll was definitely very soft and fluffy....and I enjoyed the light and airy texture of the sponge with the cream filling giving it the smoothness in a bite.  My only gripe was that the amount of cream filling wasn't even across all the swiss rolls, some had less and some had more.  I suppose when you eat one or two, it's ok but if you eat a few more, too much of the cream filling can become cloying (which was the case for me and I had to scrape off some of the cream).

My favourite flavour was the Pink Dragon.....coz it was the only one that had some strawberry jam to add a bit of acidity and freshness to the creamy filling.  Oh, and the coffee one for its distinctive flavour.  As for the rest, the different colours are probably more of a visual thing coz, after a while, most of them tend to taste the same...hehe! ;D

We made a final stop at Funny Mountain Tau Fu Fah to "tapau" (pack) two tubs of tau fu fah for the road @ RM2.50 each.  Again, there was a queue but it moves quickly as they serve at breakneck speed.

It was a good one hour on the road before we made a pit-stop and had our tau fu fah.  By then, the tau fu fah had 'leaked' a fair amount of water, so the sugar syrup looked like it was a lot more.  Even so, can you see how little tau fu fah there was?  Not even half the container! O_o

This is an opened and uneaten tub of tau fu fah....probably good enough for 2 to 3 large mouthfuls.  There's no denying that the tau fu fa is very smooth and slides down your throat effortlessly (though the sugar water was too sweet for me and I can imagine how sweet it would have been without the 'extra' water contributed by the tau fu fah).  Seeing just how little there was, I can't help but feel ripped off by the amount.  Well, isn't that always the case with all things famous! >.<

With was time to head home!  And with that, I've also come to the end of my Lumut trip posts! ^_*


  1. Ish! You went there. Should have ask you help me to buy the JJ roll! >.<

    1. I think you'll be in Ipoh more often than me! *wink wink*

  2. Those JJ Rolls look familiar. If I am not mistaken, someone gave me a box but I gave it away. Why? I was on diet. Wahahahaha!!

    1. What?! You gave them away without trying even one? -_-

  3. ooo, i was hoping the flavours for the swiss rolls would be more intense or at least distinct ... but i guess if the cake tastes too much like spinach, many customers might not like it! :D

    1. At RM0.50 a roll, I wasn't expecting them to be intensely flavoured but some (like coffee and chocolate) are more distinctive, of course :)

  4. I went to JJ Rolls too when I was in Ipoh. They are too fluffy for me.

    I do think that they purposely want customers to queue because I don't see why we can't just pay upfront and collect our orders later. If they are afraid we won't show up to collect our orders, the upfront full payment would cover the products so why not do this?

    1. Looks like I have a supporter who thinks they purposely make their customers queue ;) A long queue almost always say that what they're selling must be good! ;D

  5. Snack hunting - that sounds like my kind of fun. I would love to try a kaya puff. I must admit to having a little addiction to kaya - almost, but not quite as strong as what I have for Nutella. ;-)

    1. I love our kaya more than any other type of spread =)

  6. I tried that JJ Roll before thanks to a colleague, not too impressed. So far I think the best swiss rolls I've had is still the Bread History swiss rolls. Only found in Penang :P ..

    1. I think those who like a denser swiss roll will find this JJ Roll way too soft and fluffy. So, you did find stuff that's good and only found in Penang! ;)

  7. Not a fan of kaya puffs but I hooked on to this Sin Eng Heong kaya puffs since I tried it which my boss brought back from his business trip :P

    1. Not a fan of kaya but you're hooked....then I must try these kaya puffs one day! ;)
