
Monday 25 July 2016

#ewew makes 2-Ingredient Banana Pancakes

I saw a video online making this simple 2-Ingredient Banana Pancakes with just one banana and two eggs.....and that's it!  I love to eat pancakes and I thought this one looked easy enough to attempt.

This simple recipe is milk or flour needed which is great since I rarely have milk in my refrigerator.  So, this recipe is suitable for those who are on a gluten-free and/or dairy-free diet.

So, let's get cracking at this seemingly easy to make recipe.  But you do need one thing...and that's a non-stick pan...if you don't have one, don't attempt to make this! >.<

Like the recipe said, all you need is two eggs and one banana....but make sure it's a large banana (apparently this banana wasn't large enough) :P

After that, all you need to do is mash up the bananas, beat the eggs and mix both together thoroughly.

My banana must have been a medium-sized one as I found the resulting batter to be a bit more on the liquid side, so I added an extra half a banana (you can even put two medium bananas in if you like which will thicken the pancakes and make them easier to flip).

I used a Chinese tablespoon (as a measuring device) to scoop the batter and pour into a non-stick pan that was already greased with butter.  One Chinese tablespoon produces one small pancake that's approximately 3 inches in diameter.  This was the first batch of the not-so-nice looking pancakes.

It gets better as you go along.  Probably the most difficult part of this recipe would be the flipping of the pancakes coz they're made up of just eggs and bananas.  The pancake will be quite liquid in nature (think of frying omelettes), so it'll have a runny consistency and difficult to flip.  That's why it's imperative that you fry them on low heat to give it sufficient time to set and firm up before flipping...and to keep them small so that they'll be easier to flip.

As soon as each one is done, stack them up to keep them warm for as long as possible (or keep them in a warm oven) while you finish frying the rest of the pancakes.

And there you have it.....a simple to make (but not-so-quick to fry) 2-Ingredient Banana Pancakes! ;-)

You can eat this with a knob of butter smeared on the pancakes....

.....or drizzled with honey (as in the case here) or maple syrup...

....or top them up with some freshly sliced or caramelised bananas (or any fruit)...whatever pleases you! But I couldn't wait to dig in, so no time to add bananas! :P

cross-section of the pancakes

This recipe is enough to make 12 small '3-inch' pancakes which is just nice as a light breakfast for one.....with a cup of coffee! ^_*

As for the taste, don't expect the pancakes to be fluffy (since no flour or milk was involved).  Taste wise, I'd say it's more like french toast but still respectable seeing how simple the recipe was to make.  You can definitely taste the banana in the pancakes...and if you like bananas, then this is the pancake for you :)

The test run of this 2-Ingredient Banana Pancakes was a success.  I wouldn't mind having it again, so I'll be making them again...but a much bigger batch next time! :D  


  1. Your pancakes look so good and nicely browned. It seems strange at first, like a banana omelette but I suppose it does not taste like an omelette hah..hah... I should try this, since there's no flour and no added sugar.

    1. You get the natural sweetness from the bananas but you're welcome to add some honey into the banana/egg mix if you need it sweeter. When I first saw the recipe online, it seemed strange to me too but, after tasting it, it's not so strange ;) Good and nicely browned? You forgot to mention oddly-shaped....haha! :D

  2. guess what ... i don't have a non-stick pan! heheh :D your flapjacks look good - i don't mind if they're not fluffy as long as the texture is still enjoyable in its own way ;)

    1. Cooking for you would be a breeze....coz you're so easily pleased! ;) And I wouldn't expect you to have a non-stick pan! :D

  3. Technically this is an omelette with only bananas as its ingredient. I guess I would like the taste so I will definitely eat it at complimentary buffet breakfast but I don't think I will pay a premium for it at hipster cafe. Since I am so lazy I also won't be making it at home. Would just eat the banana and egg separately, hahahahaha. Thanks for the recipe though.

    1. Since you don't cook at all, I wouldn't expect you to make this at home. This recipe is meant for noob cooks like me, it wouldn't be caught dead offered in a buffet breakfast (even if it's complimentary) or on the menu of hipster cafes...those places would make 'real' pancakes! :D

  4. I've made this before and it was a failed attempt most probably I'm not using non-stick pan >_<
    I got a new non-stick pan now and I'll try it again!

    1. Hope your next attempt....with a non-stick a success! ^_*

  5. I made this before in one of those Kemahiran Hidup classes. We just wallop as it is, no additional "garnishing". Good enough as it is anyway. :P

    1. You know you've just technically called my 2-ingredient banana pancakes a Form 3 level recipe, right? Wakakakaka! :D Well, the good news is if you can make it then, everyone should be able to make them now...hehe! ;)

  6. I LOVE this! Simple ingredients, new ways to use them. Thanks for sharing. I'm going to give this one a whirl. I wonder if you could do it with other mashable fruit too - mango maybe?

    1. If you like mango pancakes, why not. I think it should work and you'd be the first to make them! ;D Other than bananas, try using grated apples, this one I know will work. Happy experimenting in your kitchen :)
