
Wednesday 9 March 2016

Cookie's Favourite Human Food!

I read that human food should not make up more than 15% of a cat's diet, so Cookie has always been on a diet of cat food which includes dry food, salmon sashimi (for snacking) and feline greenies (dental treats).  For some reason, he doesn't eat wet food although he used to when he was day, he just stopped eating them.  I've tried many different brands to try to get him to eat them again but to no avail.  Since the vet said that it's perfectly fine if he doesn't eat wet food, I've stopped giving him altogether.

But I also read that cats need to have meat protein for their well-being and animal meat is one of the safest human foods to give a cat...and that cooked poultry is probably the best choice.

So, what's cooking?

Since says cooked poultry is the best, I tried giving Cookie cooked chicken.....and he loved it! :D

He likes it so much that he has learned a new word...."chicken"!  Now, whenever I utter the word "chicken", he would give me a "meow", in fact, a couple of "meows" as a sign that he totally understands what I'm saying as he awaits his chicken feast.

Cookie is stretched to the max to try to take a peek!

Yes, this is what happens when I cook chicken for him in the microwave....he's rather impatient!  

He will be so excited that he'll jump onto my kitchen counter and peep inquisitively into the microwave oven when I open the door.

Sometimes, he'll even jump onto the microwave oven...for a closer look!

But, you'd think he'll like any type of chicken....but, no siree.....he doesn't eat oily, fatty and dark meat chicken from chicken rice stalls (coz I've tried giving him that and he would just walk away) >.<

He's very specific (or more like spoilt) ;D......

1)  he wants only chicken breast
2)  the chicken breast must be unseasoned 
3)  the chicken breast must be cooked by blanching in hot water

And now, here are some unflattering shots of Cookie enjoying his chicken (taken top-down with my handphone on my left hand while I feed him with my right...making his head look insanely big) :P

This is one cat that loves chicken...and not fish!!! :D


  1. Cookie is adorable! He is so selective or shall I say, health conscious hah..hah.. I thought those shots of him enjoying his chicken breast are rather cute.

    1. I doubt he's health conscious, he's just very selective! ;)

  2. ooo .. maybe he's the sort of cat that prefers meat with a firmer bite ... therefore chicken over fish! wonder whether he'd like duck, heheh :D

    1. I wouldn't dare try to give him duck, in case he likes it...coz it's difficult to get at my wet market here + it's a lot more expensive than chicken! :D

  3. Cookie looks so smart with his gentleman collar. He is so thankful to his mommy for feeding him the chicken exactly how he likes it.

    1. What can I say....mommies are always 'slaves' to their children...haha! ;D

  4. Your cat is so cute! (and spoilt too) ;-)

  5. Cookies is one lucky meow..a good master to look after him..

  6. I wonder who is the more picky eater, the cat or the mommy? :P

  7. Haha! That's so cute. I love cats, used to have one and I lived with several in New Zealand too. I've always thought their two favorite human food is milk and fish but was surprised to find out they like chicken eggs too. My cat will eat chicken but isn't particularly fond of them. Eggs on the other hand...

    1. Hmmm....I should try giving him eggs to see if he likes them. I guess the saying "to each his own" also applies to cats...haha! :D
