
Friday 8 January 2016

Revisit: Yuzu Japanese Restaurant @ Suria KLCC

My first dining experience at Yuzu Japanese Restaurant @ Suria KLCC some time ago was one I thoroughly enjoyed (click here to see my previous post).

So, what better time to come back for more than on Christmas Day (hehe!) to avoid all the crowded western places which are usually favoured during such periods.  And.....we were was very easy to secure a table where one can eat in a relaxed mode without the feeling of being rushed (if you know what I mean).

The last time we were here, we had some a la carte dishes but, this time, we wanted to try their set meals. We ordered the Gindara Bento @ RM62 made up of rice topped with BBQ cod fish, diced cut Japanese beef, salmon sashimi, mixed tempura and small soba served in a bento box with salad, chawanmushi (Japanese egg custard), miso soup and fruits.  The bento was so huge it was difficult to fit into one shot! ;D

So, let me break it up and show you individually.  First up, the barbecued cod fish was soft and flaky (apart from the rubbery skin), served with teriyaki sauce on top of a bowl of rice (not sure who was tasked with cooking the rice that day...but he messed up big time, it was mushy) :D

The diced cut Japanese beef had a slight sear on the outside and was very tender when cooked to medium-rare (you have a choice as to how you want it cooked).  The sauce underneath was a bit on the salty side but alright if eaten with rice.

You also get 3 thick slices of salmon sashimi that were nice and fresh.  Shoyu is provided if you need to dip.

The mixed tempura had one piece each of prawn, eggplant, ladies finger and sweet potato in a batter that's light and crispy, served with a tempura dipping sauce.

Finally, there's a small serving of soba noodles served chilled in a clear, simple broth.  I absolutely love these buckwheat noodles.

All the above were served with the standard appetisers of salad (with sesame dressing), miso soupchawanmushi and slices of fresh fruits (watermelon & honeydew) to finish.

The other set we went for was the Unagi Gozen @ RM59 that comprised of BBQ Japanese eel (unagi), assorted sushi and sashimi and mixed tempura with pickled vegetables, salad, chawanmushi, miso soup and fruits.

The assorted sushi platter featured 5 pieces, one each of tuna, salmon, butterfish, prawn and unagi....all decent, no complaints.

Then, there was the plate of assorted sashimi which had two thick slices of salmon and butterfish and one slice of tuna, all fresh and firm too.

The mixed tempura basket had the same prawn, eggplant, ladies finger and sweet potato tempura as the other set.

And, of course, the star of this set...oh-em-gee....the unagi!  Both the moreish unagi and appealing sauce hit the mark.....and were well received and appreciated.

Again, this set came with the same salad, chawanmushi, miso soup and fresh fruits (just like the other set) with the addition of some pickled vegetables.

When the Hot Lemon Honey @ RM9 arrived in a do-it-yourself style, I thought....what the heck....two pieces of lemon and a pot of hot water is all I get!  Of course not, the pot was filled with lemon-flavoured water already (to my relief).

So, I put in the lemon slices, poured in the lemon-flavoured water and added the honey.  Now this is how a lemon drink should taste like....jam-packed full of lemon flavour.  I had so many watered down versions that this instantly became my favourite lemony, so good!

Ice Lemon Lime @ RM11

My Personal Opinion

All in all, the dinner sets are good value for money (anything between RM40 - RM75 and you'll be spoilt for choice as there are more than 15 to choose from).  You can also get some decent lunch sets (between 11.30am - 2.30pm) at around RM30 - RM40 for a more budget-conscious meal.

Not only were the sets good value, they were very filling too.  So, if you're a small-eater, two sets can be shared by three or maybe even one shared by two if you plan to have dessert elsewhere! ;)

Since I enjoyed the food and there are still many sets (and a la carte dishes) here that I've yet to try, I definitely see myself returning.....yet again!

Yuzu Japanese Restaurant
Lot 412 Level 4 Ramlee Mall
Suria KLCC
50088 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-2161 4176


  1. That is my kind on Bento! I love Bento for all the little little bits of this and that, which eventually becomes very filling and satisfying - if the component items are good and well executed. Looks like Yuzu's bentos are excellent. Pity about the rice though. I hate mushy rice!

    1. Yeah, me too. I don't know how they can mess that up since it's something they cook should be foolproof as they should have the exact measurements of rice to water down to a tee! >.<

  2. I have stood outside Yuzu at the Gardens mall many times perusing their menu but nevee eaten there because they are not open yet. I was too early. This year maybe I should go there instead of Kura to celebrate special occasions seeing that their bento of cod fish and unagi look good in your post.

    1. You can give this a try but I'm not sure if it'll be as grand as Kura though since that one is located in a hotel.

    2. If you go to Kura, you will see that it is not as grand as you think it is but the food is good.

    3. Oh, it's not? I've always thought of Japanese restaurants in 5-star hotels as kind of "grander" and more expensive.

    4. Not this one. The price is reasonable too because Kura is under the same group as Rakuzen so the price is the same as Rakuzen. I prefer to go Kura than Rakuzen because Rakuzen is always packed with people but Kura is not mainly due to the misconception that Kura's prices are higher than Rakuzen.

  3. I always like to order bento set whenever available because I'm a greedy person who like to try more variety :P

    1. Yes, I too like to try bits of everything in a meal :)

  4. the restaurants at klcc, including yuzu, are a real model of stability. for many other malls, you see tonnes of restaurants open and closing all the time ... at klcc, there are only a few changes each year. here's to more good years for yuzu :D

    1. I think restaurants in KLCC are able to stand the test of time because there aren't that many places to eat in KLCC so there's less competition compared to other malls.

  5. I was always of the opinion that there were not many great eateries in KLCC. I've always struggled to find something that I like there... but you've let me in on a few gems in this and your post last week. Thank you. ;-)

    1. I'm glad to have been able to show you some possible eats in KLCC =)

  6. Huh? I would've thought even Japanese outlets like this one would be full to the brim for Xmas/New Year eves. When I was still rolling in KL, ONLY the Chinese restaurants would be near empty for such occasions. :|

    1. It was still relatively full, just that you have a better chance of getting a table without reservations (unlike the western joints).
