
Monday 21 September 2015

O & S Restaurant (Part 3) @ Paramount Garden

This is like a trilogy of sorts, after Parts 1 and 2, I realised that I'm not done with this restaurant as yet.  You can read my earlier reviews here and here.

So, I found myself doing a Part 3 on O & S Restaurant @ Paramount Garden as there are still many food stalls here that have not been covered yet.
On a Sunday morning, we found our way here to our usual joint for breakfast.  My family had some of their usual favourites which I've already blogged about.  I ordered the Pork Ball Noodles @ RM5.50 and requested for the usual kway teow (dry-style), which was smooth and slippery, served with an acceptable minced pork topping with two slices of "siew cheong" (roasted pork sausage) that could do with a more intense flavour.
It was accompanied by a bowl of soup with three pieces of pork balls (or should I say squares).  The soup base here is more peppery than sweet which I preferred.  This pork ball noodles, though not the best I've had, was still passable in taste.
This was the "Kai Si Sar Hor Fun" @ RM6.60 which was probably one of the more expensive noodles here but then prawns are involved (so you be the judge).  The bowl of "sar hor fun" (flat rice noodles similar to kway teow, only smoother and thinner) with "kai si" (shredded chicken), half a prawn, two prawn wantans, Chinese chives and fried shallots.  The soup was decent tasting with a layer of fragrant prawn oil on top.

On my way out, through the side entrance of the shop, I saw this "bak chang" (glutinous rice dumplings) stall which I didn't notice before.  So, I stopped to get some bak chang @ RM5.50 each.
The glutinous rice was incredibly soft, just the way I like it!  The bak chang was filled with "lok tau" (mung or green beans), "foong lut" (chestnut), dried Chinese mushrooms and salted egg yolk.  The generous chunks of not overly fat and tender pork belly were melt-in-the-mouth tender...and surprisingly this was one that I was able to consume the fat as well. 

And if you're lucky, you can get your hands on this "kong fu chung" (Cantonese bak chang) which they make on certain days only.  Visually, the glutinous rice is white (as opposed to brown) as the rice is not stir-fried first (according to my mother-in-law).  So, this one has a 'cleaner' taste as it's just wrapped and boiled (but needs to be boiled for a longer time in order to soften).  I think I may have found another very good bak chang stall....yes!

I also noticed a new stall next to the bak chang stall selling Indian rojak on my way out.  It looked nice enough and I told myself I must come back to try....and so I did!  Here's my plate of Indian Rojak @ RM6 with "sotong" (squid) and RM2 for the additional prawn fritter.

For the price of RM6 + RM2, the serving of rojak came with the usual condiments of hard boiled egg, "taugeh" (bean sprouts), shreds of "sengkuang"  (jicama) and cucumber with a very generous amount of super tender sotong cooked Malay-style.  I liked that the sauce was more spicy like sambal than sweet like satay sauce.

My Personal Opinion

This is one place where I have yet to find a stall that wasn't decent (although some were better than others).  You may have to wait a while for seats but it'll be worth the wait as you'll be spoilt for choice here.
Even with a trilogy of posts on this restaurant, I'm nowhere near finish with the stalls, who knows, there may yet be a fourth instalment!  A tetralogy, perhaps?  LOL!
O & S Restaurant
39 Jalan 20/14
Paramount Garden
46300 Petaling Jaya


  1. You'll end up like [Fast and Furious] or [Mission Impossible], said trilogy but keep having more and more new instalments! Maybe you'll end up doing a reboot. Like maybe few years down the road: "You know last time I had the pork ball noodles, but it's been awhile and the prices/quality changed, so I'm gonna do a rewrite" or something like that.. :D

    1. Maybe not quite like "Fast and Furious" lah....that one is going into 9 instalments (the 8th instalment is coming up in 2017)....kekeke! :D And, oh, reboots are definitely in the pipeline....I'm not quite like other bloggers who would go looking for new food many years down the road. I'm a creature of habit, I like to revisit my favourite places! ;D

  2. I'm always intrigued by those glutinous rice dumplings - they're almost like a present, wrapped up and causing curiosity as to what's actually inside.

    1. Well, if someone gifted us a glutinous rice dumpling, we would be very eager to open up the "present", I'm sure! ;)

  3. Looks like there are many choices of food at this restaurant. It will give you plenty to write about. I thought the pork balls were taufu because of the shape hah..hah...

    1. I've written most of it already, so there isn't very much more to go! ;D

  4. Ahhhhh!!!! I've been there...TWICE! Not bad, pretty nice stuff there...lots of Penang delights and my friend bought the nyonya kuehs from one stall there, also not bad - can give Lulu's a good fight and I am sure they are much cheaper here.

    I did see the fella selling chang but no nyonya ones and I was already very full so I did not buy any.

    1. The prawn mee you had is now operating from their own shop isn't one of my favourites though. I've been here so many times but I've not bought anything from the kueh stall.

  5. This was the first time - I was using my handphone camera then:
    One more visit and I would be able to catch up with you...three times. Hehehehehe!!!!!

    1. So, you see how popular this place is that even you, all the way from the East, have been here twice! :D

  6. I like the Kai See Hor fun up the road at Soo Kee's. My husband doesn't like the pakcham kai but I do.. he says too much oystersauce! :P Anyway, O&S i visit for the Prawn mee.. with the pig parts.. wow! super shiok if you don't mind the MSG overload after:P

    1. I heard that the sar hor fun in Soo Kee is not as translucent and smooth. For this type of noodles, I like Pau Kee in Imbi. If the prawn mee in O & S that you've eaten is Choon Prawn Mee, then they have already moved to their own shop further up the road.

  7. i'd be spoilt for choice here, but my number one pick would be the bak chang! it sounds excellent!!! wonder what the opening times for the bak chang stall are :D

    1. I don't know what time the bak chang stall opens but it should be breakfast time like 8 or 9am (I'm usually there around 10am) and stays open till lunch time (as my spouse has "tapau" before at that time). This is indeed a very good one and I hope you get to try it one day :)
