
Thursday 3 September 2015

Finally.....I've reached my 100,000 hits!

Well, what do you know?  I've seemed to have finally reached my 6-digit 100,000 hits!  It took forever to get here.....but I'm finally here!  Woohoo!! ;D

Anyway, I like to record the 'baby' steps my blog has taken (purely for my own reference) to see how far I've come....and how I've gotten there!  I've written a post for each of my 'mini' milestones so far (heck, I've even written one for My First 10,000 Hits)....and this is just one more to add to the bunch.'s not great statistics for a blog after 1 3/4 years of blogging....but it's still another milestone for me.  For a blog that started out as purely a hobby to pass time and one that doesn't 'advertise' on any social media platform to drive 'traffic' (except for the occasional posting on some of the restaurants' facebook when they wish to share what I wrote), I'm pretty happy with the rate of my hits....."boleh-lah"! ;D

But a blog is more than just the number of hits one gets and, for me, it's more about sharing the stories of my food experience (if there's one to tell) and writing what I love that matters.
I remember when I first started, I had a paltry 30 hits a day but now it's inching towards 500...and I wouldn't have gotten there if not for all your continuous, thank you!!!

Knowing that you visit my blog (some regularly) and derive some enjoyment or benefit (however small) reading my posts is the very motivation I need to keep blogging.  So, do come and visit.....I'll be right here waiting for you! ;)

Dare I say to meet me at my next milestone? 1,000,000 hits, perhaps?  It'll be a long road to get there...I'm not even sure if I'll still be actively blogging then~~~:D

But, at the end of the day, blogging is not about how many posts I've written or how many page views I's not the destination that counts but the journey to get, I'm just going to enjoy the ride (while it lasts)!!

Let me end with a screen shot of this (I can't help it, I "ngam ngam" clicked my blog and caught this) set in stone....kekekeke!! XD



  1. Clap! Clap! Clap! Well, done. In time to come more people will get to know your blog and your page views will increase even more. That one millionth hit is achievable! Keep it up with your blogging. I enjoy reading your posts very much!

    1. Thanks, PH. You have been especially kind with your words and a wonderful supporter. I appreciate it and I'll keep blogging as long as I can.

  2. I wonder if I'll remember to notice and write a post about my 100000 pageviews barrier.

    Congrats on your milestone, once you reach 100k, the next 100k will be faster and soon you will hit 1mil views and so on and so on... maybe we'll hit 2.6 billion views before we 'retire' hehehehe...

    1. Thanks, RG for your support. If I 'have' 2.6 billion, I'll 'retire' quietly into the night! ;) Wakakakaka! And yeah, you should write a post when you hit 100,'s quite a significant milestone!

  3. Congrats! Ok, on to the next digit. LOL!!!

    1. Thanks, STP for your words of encouragement. It's easier for you to say since you've got 7 digits....kekekeke! ;D

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks, Ciki! Just puny hits, nothing great like yours or any of those established blogs out there! Hehe!
