
Thursday 6 August 2015

Strangers at Forty 7 @ Sec 17 PJ

The last time my friends and I met, we broke our own record and managed to visit four places in one meet-up but, this time, we managed to! T_T  Yeah, just one!  Have you had one of those days when everything that could go wrong...went wrong!  Well, we had one of those days.  I'll tell you what happened later.

Let's get on with the good stuff first.  There's only one thing this café (who turned one recently) focusses on...and it's their crepes...both savoury and sweet!  The place is Strangers at Forty 7 @ Section 17 PJ.

We started with the Shore To Please @ RM21.50 which is a savoury crepe with Cajun tiger prawns, battered squid, creamy spinach, caramelised onions, roasted cherry tomatoes and bits of salted egg yolk (mixed with the sauce).  Finally, it was garnished with some radish slices and a sprinkling of watercress.  Great choice for seafood lovers.
The highlight of this dish was the fresh, juicy and well cooked prawns that have been seasoned with Cajun spices and the crunchy battered squid...wished there were more on the plate.  Verdict?  The shore to please.....sure did please! :D

The next savoury crepe we tried was the Miss Dory @ RM20 which featured a large piece of breaded fish fillet with battered squid, citrus-cucumber-onion salad, potato pumpkin mash, roasted cherry tomatoes and house-made sriracha mayo lime sauce.  This crepe specialist also ensures that their crepes not only taste good but look good too with a hint of red from the radish slices and a splash of green from the watercress.
I ordered this because a little one in our group likes to eat fish and chips and this battered dory fish turned out better than I expected.  It was nice and crispy (with none of that fishy smell).  For me, I especially liked the crunchy cucumber ribbons in the crepe and the tangy sriracha mayo lime sauce that went well with the battered fish fillets.

Our final savoury crepe was the Not Your Local Beef @ RM24 which came with a piece of chargrilled Australian striploin steak, breaded onion rings, tomato relish, olives and a sour cream mayo slaw of purple cabbage.
We asked for the striploin to be cooked medium rare and it was executed to that doneness as requested.  At this price, we did get a good sized piece of steak (dressed in something that tasted a bit like barbecue sauce), just don't compare the flavour or tenderness to the cuts of meat you'll get at full fledged steakhouses and you won't be too disappointed.  What I was loving on the plate was the super crunchy onion rings and the tomato relish with hints of garlic, onion and chillies that turned out fresh, vibrant and not too tart.

Please note that all savoury crepes come with cheese (but not a lot of it).  There are four more savoury crepes on the menu for you to choose from...A Hen's Crush, Lethal Shrooms, Big Breakfast Crepe (BBC) and Eggcited Over Cheese.
After three fulfilling savoury crepes, we only had 'stomach' for one sweet crepe and ordered Adam's Sin @ RM11.  This is a sweet crepe filled with cooked apple cubes with cinnamon, topped with vanilla ice cream, drizzled with salted caramel and finished with a scatter of wholemeal crumble and a few fresh blueberries.  The sweetness from the ice cream coupled with the tartness from the apples and the crunch of the crumble made this a perfect pairing indeed.  Let's just say it's a sin we won't mind committing again! ;D

Other choices of sweet crepes include Purple Rage (sweet potato crepe), Dark Side (chocolate crepe), Go Bananuts (sweet crepe), It's Kelapa (orange crepe) and Red Riding Hood (red velvet crepe).

We wrapped up our meal with the Smooth Criminal @ RM11, a banana chocolate chip cake with peanut butter frosting.  We kinda liked the banana chocolate chip cake which had loads of banana taste but the peanut butter frosting was too sweet and cloying.  Looking at the price (and taste) of the cake, I'd much rather go for another sweet crepe.  Other options include the apple crumble cheesecake (a recent addition to the cakes menu), lemon curd poppy seed cake, Behind Bars (snickers chocolate cake) or green tea tart.

My friends seem to enjoy the coffees here.

Matcha Latte @ RM10
Hot Cappuccino @ RM8
Iced Coffee @ RM10
Smooshie (Soursop & Guava) @ RM7

Coming back to the not-so-good stuff I promised was like a domino set off a chain reaction of one nightmarish thing after another! 
1)  It all started when we met up at a later time than usual - 2.30pm for lunch.
2)  By the time we got to our first destination (Crab Factory,) it was 3pm+ already, only to find that the place has a power failure with no time frame as to when it will reopen...arrggghhhh!
3)  My friend googled for another place in the area and set our waze to get there.  Half an hour later, we realised we were back to where we started!  We were looking for Smoking Hog and they're located in the same shophouse as Crab Factory (none of us paid attention to the address, I guess)...oops! @_@
4)  We googled for another place and reached Gee and Geek around 4pm.  We walked in only to be informed that the kitchen is closed (no hot food) from 3-5pm.  By then, I was tired and famished! >.<
5)  We googled for yet another place and finally ended up at Strangers at 47 around 4pm+....and then it rained (before we managed to get inside) if we weren't 'black' enough (it's a Chinese saying for 'unfortunate')!  I think we should call our meeting place...StrAngers(ed) at 47 instead......kekeke! :D
6)  And, finally, the little one in our group decided to launch into one of her crying tantrums (luckily, towards the end of our meal)...and we had to scramble out of there as it was disturbing the other patrons!
Of  course, we can't blame anyone or anything for was just an unfortunate series of events....but, at least, it made for good storytelling, don't you think?  Ok, let's get back to the 'numero uno' star of this post, shall we?

My Personal Opinion

The crepes here are thin, light, slightly crisp around the edges and texturally delightful.  Personally, I preferred the one sweet crepe we had which I thought was more successful than the savoury ones.  I think we should have gone for more sweet crepes instead.

Overall, the crepes were decent, just that I wasn't overly excited about them.  I wonder if it had anything to do with the events that unfolded in the course of the day! >:(
Whether it's savoury or sweet, there's bound to be a crepe here that fulfills your fancy.  So, come on over to Sat47...and have yourself a.....c-r-e-p-e-e day...we had one (depending how you want see it)! ;p

Strangers at Forty 7
47 Jalan 17/45
46400 Petaling Jaya
Tel: 03-7497 2409


  1. every time i passby this shop during weekend it would be full of customer. Must be good

  2. I'd go for the one with cajun shrimps because it is something that I had and loved in the US...

    Your poor day reminds me of The Truman Show, where everything in the world conspired against you to make you angry hahahaha!

    1. I didn't watch that movie. Looks like these kind of days happen to not just me!

  3. Gosh, what a day! So that's how you and friends ended up at Strangers at Forty 7. It has been some time since I set foot in Section 17. And it looks like there are some nice eateries there. I've never had savory crepe and I have always associated crepes with desserts. But it is worth try at least once for the experience.

    1. Yeah, it's good to try, at least once, a savoury crepe if you had not had one before though I think sweet crepes are ahead.

  4. i've had a few disastrous excursions like that too, when we'd start at 6pm or something and go round and round before finally settling down to eat after 8pm! in this case, it sounds like you were destined to have your meal at strangers! :)

    1. So, such excursions happen to other people as bad as this may sound...good to hear....kekeke! ;D

  5. Nice! I think I'd love the food here - looks good, not the boring run-of-the-mill stuff. I wonder what the name means though? Strangers as in Frankie's Strangers in the night? 47? I know there'e 42nd Street...and Shore as in Acker Bilk's Stranger on the Shore? Well, everyone knows Smooth Criminal, I'm sure.

    1. I don't think it has anything to do with songs. The no. 47 is just their lot no. As to the play on the names of their dishes, it's a common cafe thing nowadays!

  6. You can eat the cheese in the savoury crepe because it is very little is it? I think I will like the cajun Prawns crepe. ah should have eaten another sweet crepe rather than the cake. This shop is located as the same row as humble pie I think. How old is the little one to throw tantrums?

    1. Yes, the cheese in the crepes are negligible, so you can't really taste it...and, yes, there are quite a few cafes along this same row (including Humble Pie, Jeq in the House, The Grind, etc.). The little one is 4.

  7. I've been here and belittled on the portion. Hubby and I were full to the brim after having a savory crepe each of us then shared a sweet crepe :P

    1. Yes, I know what you mean. When I saw the savoury crepes, I thought it looked smallish too but the four of us managed to eat only four crepes in the end.

  8. Oops! that was my little. What a bad day...>.<

    1. Yup, that's your little one crying her lungs out....she had a bad day too! >_<
