
Monday 13 July 2015

My 2015 Ramadan Loot @ Pandan Indah

As the month of Ramadan draws to a close, I've been gorging myself silly with all kinds of food from the Ramadan bazaar in my neighbourhood.  So, here are just some of my Ramadan "loot" this year...those I remembered to snap a picture of before digging in! ;D

Grilled "Otak-Otak" @ RM4 for 5 sticks

Otak-Otak is a spiced fish paste (or an assortment of seafood), cooked in creamy "santan" (coconut milk), wrapped in coconut palm leaves and then grilled.  It was well spiced with a tinge of smoky aroma but lacking a bit of that creamy santan flavour.

Satay Ayam (Chicken) & Daging (Beef) @ RM0.60 a stick

The "Kuah Kacang" (Peanut Sauce) is well balanced, slightly sweet, not too spicy, not too thick but with enough crushed peanuts in the mix.
*two thumbs up*

The satay sticks were well grilled with great char marks and smoky flavour going through the satay...definitely one of the better ones I've had in a while.

"Maggi Mee Goreng" (Fried Maggi Mee) @ RM3

"Mee Goreng" (Fried Mee) @ RM3

Rice with "Ayam Goreng Berempah" (Fried Spiced Chicken) @ RM5

Nasi Lemak with Sambal "Kerang" (cockles) @ RM4

(not inclusive of my own add-on hard boiled egg and fried ikan bilis...kekeke!)
*thumbs up*

Nasi Kerabu with Fried Fish & Stuffed Green Chillies @ RM8
*two thumbs up*

Rice with Sambal "Sotong" (squid), Begedil (Potato Patty) & Kobis Masak Lemak (Cabbage cooked in Santan) @ RM6.50

"Kerang Goreng" (Fried Cockles in Sambal) @ RM5

Couldn't resist my temptation when I saw this but it failed to deliver...the cockles were devoid of any flavour, overcooked and had sand in them! :'(

"Cucur Udang" (Fried Prawn Fritters) @ RM5

Definitely my best find this Ramadan....and we ate this repeatedly!
*two thumbs up*

"Satay Ikan" (Fish Satay) Snacks @ RM2 (for 7 sticks)

These are actually keropok lekor (fish sticks) with a notable difference of it being grilled (after it's been fried) to give it that extra smoky flavour.  Eat it immediately and it'll be super it later, it loses its crunch and it'll be exactly like those thick keropok lekor types.
*thumbs up*

Tepung Pelita @ RM2 for 4 pcs
*thumbs up*

Coconut Jelly @ RM3 (for 2 cups)

This coconut jelly (or coconut agar-agar) wasn't overly sweet and you can definitely taste the coconut water in it...nice cool dessert on a hot day =)

.....and kuih...

....and even more kuih
(sadly, most of the kuih were run-of-the-mill types, nothing stood out) :(

With this being the final week of Ramadan (you can also see many stalls winding down their businesses already), I have to bid some of my favourites farewell.....I will miss you :'(  Hopefully, some of these may still be available at the "pasar malams" (night markets) in my neighbourhood....but nothing beats the ambience of walking through (and smelling) rows after rows of food.

Bye bye.....till we meet again next year...when everything starts all over again....yay! ;D


  1. Good grief!!! How many of you ate all that? Not in one sitting, I'm sure. Ooooo...I know I would love ALL of them, my favourite....all these local delights...anytime!

    1. Of course not just me....and not in one sitting lah!

  2. Wow, that's a wonderful assortment of food! I haven't even been to any Ramadhan bazaar yet and it'll be over already since Hari Raya is just days away. Never mind, there is always next year :D

  3. i want the nasi lemak and the satay!!!! :D there's a very small pasar ramadan in my area (probably about a dozen stalls), but i haven't checked it out yet ...

    1. Huh? Just a dozen stalls? I think that doesn't qualify as a pasar ramadhan.......hee...hee! ;D The one here has got around 100 stalls.

  4. Wah, the food all looks tasty. If they are being sold in a food court and taste as nice I will go and buy them. So how many trips worth of food are shown in this post? Must be more than 5 trips right?

    1. I would sometimes buy the same food again if I like them, so I lost count how many trips already for this post since I went quite often.

  5. I will just wallop all the otak otak and satay, no room for others XD

    1. Make room......for another day! :D The satay was really good but not the otak-otak.
