
Thursday 19 March 2015

#ewew makes Sau Tao Non-Fried Noodles

While doing my grocery shopping the other day, I chanced upon this instant noodles on the shelves of Aeon.  The first thing that caught my attention was the pic of the guy on the's Eric Tsang whom I know as a Hong Kong actor and comedian (I'm not sure if he's just hired to advertise the noodles or he has a share in it).
I actually don't watch many Chinese movies but I got to know him from the few episodes that I managed to catch of him hosting some hilarious game show...and that was my first introduction to him.
I noticed 2 types on sale, one was the Black Pepper XO Sauce Noodles and the other, the XO Sauce Scallop Noodles.  I decided to buy the cheaper one to try first.  This noodle is a product of Hong Kong...and (I must say) it turned out really good! :-)
This is the Black Pepper XO Sauce Noodles pack retailing at RM9.90 per pack....certainly not the cheapest instant noodles around.
Each pack comes with 5 individual packets inside and this is how it looked like.
Inside the packet, you'll find a 'bigger than norm' non-fried noodles (I don't know what that means but I assume the noodles are not fried but baked, maybe?) housed in an open plastic container with just one seasoning packet...the black pepper XO sauce!
I cooked the instant noodles as per instructions...which was for 3 mins.
And tossed them in the sachet of black pepper sauce that also contained a bit of oil.
I fried some shallots and added it in....and it was a 'dynamite' addition! :D  I loved the noodles which are more springy and has more bite to it.  I liked that the black pepper sauce was not overpowering with 'over the top' pepperiness (it's unlike McDonald's Prosperity Burger which kinda blows off the roof of your mouth).  The balance was just nice although I would say that the black pepper flavour was more dominant than the XO flavour.
I made one with fried shallots and fried crispy was a great combo too!  I know many would not be bothered to make fried shallots but the addition of this little piece of extra work is so worth just bring wonders of fragrance to any noodles.  Loved what the salty, crunchy silverfish brought to the dish as well.
Or have one with all 3...fried shallots, crispy silverfish and a fried egg on top...that's the ultimate....hee...hee!!  At times, I like to fry my egg until all the sides are super crispy and frizzy....yumsss! ;D
Now that the Black Pepper XO Sauce Noodles turned out so well, I can't wait to try the other flavour too...the XO Sauce Scallop Noodles.


  1. Everytime I see a post on instant noodles, I feel like buying to try! So far I have not had any other than my old favourite Maggi.

    1. Go on...give some others a try...especially this one! It's quite different from those Maggi-type noodles :)

  2. Eh, I go every weekend, but I never seen this yet. Maybe it has not arrived in Penang's AEON. Else I see Eric Tsang's face, confirm will buy it! XD

    As you know, I don't like fried onions/shallots, so I will not bother. Adding that will actually ruin the noodles for me XD

    1. Not in Penang yet...I don't think this is a new product. So, you're a fan of Eric Tsang ;)

      If you don't like fried shallots, you can always replace it with fried garlic (and I know you do take the trouble to fry garlic if you really want to)!

  3. Not a fan of black pepper. What other flavours are there?

    1. Oh yes, the XO Sauce Scallop Noodles. Go ahead, give it a try and tell us if it is any good.

    2. So, I guess you won't be a fan of black pepper steak or chicken too ;D

      If and when I do try the XO Sauce Scallop one, I'll let you know.

  4. I am salivating over your plate of noodles now. You always make the extra effort to give the extra oomph to your food - this time by making some fried shallots, ng yi chai, egg to go with the noodle. Bravo!

    1. You can always elevate a plate of simple noodles for maximum enjoyment ;)

    2. Yes, YOU can! :D I won't be bothered to do so as most of the time I eat to live only. :)

    3. I think all of us should live to eat....after all, it's one of life's greatest pleasures ;D

    4. Hahaha, I beg to differ. :D

  5. It's great how instant noodles can be quickly jazzed up with an extra topping.

    1. Yeah, a little bit of effort to jazz it up, with a simple topping, takes the dish to a whole new level! =)

  6. Easy and fast. LOL

    Yea me too usually will add fried egg and if have vege will also add that

    1. Yes easy-to-cook instant meal that can easily be perked up with a few ingredients! ;D

  7. Got the Mainland version "Sautao Non-Fried One Minute Noodle Dried-Mix" with Red Braised Beef flavour today. It's actually different, the noodles are not dried, but like previously cooked and sealed in a plastic bag. Aside, there is a small pack of red oil. Both come in a plastic tray. This was by far the worst *anything* I have ever eaten in my life. Avoid by all means, it is really that bad.

    1. Thanks for dropping by my blog. The noodles are not dried? Wouldn't that spoil easily? Thanks for the heads up on this noodle...I'll make sure to avoid it at all costs! :D
