
Thursday 5 March 2015

A miserable CNY.....for Cookie!

Today is Chap Goh Mei and the 15 days of Chinese New Year festivities finally comes to an end.  So, I thought I'd dedicate this short post to my poor Cookie who had the most miserable time of his life!

You see, when we left for Ipoh, I had to put him up for boarding (starting 17 February) in the pet shop that I usually send him for his bath and grooming.

When I came to fetch him home on the evening of the 3rd day of Chinese New Year (after 5 days of boarding), he looked like he lost a bit of weight.  On checking with the pet shop, he only peed twice and didn't poo throughout the 5 days he was there...OMG!!  Reason being...he probably wasn't drinking or eating as much!  The 5 days worth of food I left there was less than 20% consumed.  [#Note: He was sent to a different boarding place the year before (but that place has stopped its grooming business) + I didn't ask them on his pee and poo situation then, so I don't know how he fared the year before.]

The balance of the food that I brought back, he finished within 3 days when at home.  And then he peed and pooped the following morning (he was probably looking for the comfort of his own 'toilet').  I guess cats are like humans too...sometimes when we travel, we tend to poo less too.....kekeke!! :D  I think it's the change of environment that we're not used to (both cats and humans).

And I hate fireworks...I know, I know, it's once a year and the households have every right to do it for auspicious reasons but that doesn't mean I like it coz it freaks my cat out.  He would run and hide behind my microwave oven whenever he hears the firecrackers.

It was especially bad on the 9th day of Chinese New Year (the Jade Emperor's Birthday).  This was a photo of him taken on that day.  He looked absolutely miserable :'(  He hid behind my microwave oven for the duration of the night.  It took me a long while to coax him back into his cage for the night.

Well, he's back to his old handsome self....with his usual eating, peeing and pooping ritual these days.  I'm sure my Cookie is not looking forward to his last day of enduring the fireworks and firecrackers tonight...but (at least) I know it's the end of it.....yay!

I know who will be super happy after tonight ;)  This may be the last day of Chinese New Year but it's certainly not my last post on CNY eats...I still have a couple more to go!

In the meantime, Happy Chap Goh Mei everyone!


  1. Oh, your poor kucing! And gosh they even keep track of how many times Cookie peed and pooed hmm... anyway, he looks so cute and adorable (though actually terrified) behind the microwave oven. And I have to say that Cookie is indeed looking very gallant and handsome in the last pic! Meow!

    1. I told Cookie you find him so gallant and handsome. He says: Thanks! *blush blush*

  2. Such a beauty! Poor thing!!! I hate fireworks and firecrackers too! All the dogs in my neighbourhood have not emerged since...all gone into hiding.

    Happy Chap Goh Meh! What's cooking?

    1. Nothing really...I've given up cooking for festive much work!

  3. she definitely doesn't look like a happy kitty with all the noise scaring her ... but she's adorable and she looks beautifully groomed and healthy :D

    1. kitty may have very small balls (since it's been snipped) :D but he's still very much a boy the last time I checked....wakakakaka!!

  4. LOL! Now I know you have a cat. And a male cat that is called Cookie. The Polish woman blogger than I know of has a female cat named Biscuit. Maybe they can be a match! :D

    1. My cat is quite a 'celebrity' on my blog. I've blogged about my cat before...maybe you've missed it. Hmm...I wonder what you'd call the offspring of Cookie and Biscuit....Chocolate Chip?? :D But, unfortunately my cat cannot father any offsprings.....his balls have been snipped...yikes!!

  5. I love cats! :)

    Well, good thing that Chap Goh Meh has just passed so there's no firecrackers anymore, at least for a while.

    Happy Chap Goh Meh to you and your loved ones!

    1. Go get yourself a kitty....but, then again, maybe not, since you love to play with firecrackers so much.....ouch!!

  6. Oh, poor Cookie. I hope you're giving him lots of extra attention.

    1. Yes, he's been getting extra treats lately ;)

  7. Your cookie is so cute! How old is he? He must be very happy to be home again as you allow him so much freedom, can even go up your kitchen counter to go behind the microwave.

    1. He's just over 2 years old. It's not that I give him so much freedom but if you let him loose in the house, cats are know to jump everywhere. That's why, at times, when I'm not in the mood for so much mayhem, I'd put him in his cage.

  8. LOL...I thought cookies as in edible ones. Poor him.

    1. No.....don't eat my Cookie....he's not of the edible kind!!!
