
Friday 16 January 2015

Bonjour Garden Cafe @ The Intermark

The last time I came here was for some cakes and pastries (after an earlier lunch at Fresco with friends).  Remembering that I had a pleasant afternoon tea (or should I say coffee) experience here a while ago, I returned for a revisit to check out "what's for dinner" one Saturday evening.

The place I'm referring to is Bonjour Garden Café @ The Intermark, which has a bakery in front, to cater to all your bakery and pastries needs....and they're pretty good, I might add!

But, this time I was here for dinner.  A look at the menu and I can see that they have everything from an all-day breakfast to snacks, soups, salads, pastas, pizzas, sandwiches and main courses.

We settled for the Potato Wedges @ RM8 (from their snacks menu) as our starter for sharing.  No complaints here on a simple dish of freshly fried, crispy potato wedges.

For the mains, there was a choice of Fish 'n' Chips (RM25), Rosemary Chicken, Salmon & Asparagus, pan-seared beef Striploin (RM40) or Rib Eye (RM48).

I decided to go with the Rosemary Chicken @ RM28 which was a roast leg of chicken marinated with rosemary and served with garlic mashed potatoes and an aromatic chicken broth.

This main was accompanied by a fresh salad and lightly sautéed cherry tomatoes.

The roasted chicken leg came with a crispy skin and the chicken leg was tender and moist.  You can smell the rosemary seasoning in the chicken especially so when it arrived with a stalk of roasted rosemary sticking out from the chicken.

What was truly outstanding was the sauce which was not your typical black pepper or mushroom sauce that we're so used to seeing.  The aromatic chicken jus, that resembled a herbed brown gravy, was flavourful and delicious.

I don't usually order roast chicken (as I make them so often at home) but I was pleasantly surprised by this one and was glad that I ordered it.

The other main was the Salmon & Asparagus @ RM35 which was a pc of pan-seared Atlantic salmon served on a bed of sautéed asparagus, eryngii (king trumpet) mushrooms and a creamy citrus sauce.

The salmon skin was pan-fried till crispy but the salmon was a bit overdone for me (although I find that it's quite common for it to be cooked to this level of doneness at most places).

The soften mushrooms, the nicely grilled asparagus (the thick type) and well-seasoned cherry tomatoes, together with the creamy citrusy sauce (and balsamic reduction, I think), provided some freshness to the plate for yet another successful dish.

[#Story 1: Actually, the main courses here are enough to fill you up and (for an average eater) you don't need any starters.  That's why, we couldn't finish half the potato wedges and I asked for the balance to be packed...kinda like asking for a 'doggy bag'....and that was exactly what I got.  The waiter literally gave me a paper bag!  He just passed me the bag and expects me to pack it myself...what the heck :(  Their service was pleasant throughout the evening until this happened (P/S: this particular foreign worker actually looks kind of that explains it)!]

[#Story 2: While dining there, I saw a Caucasian man order a soup, a steak and the roast chicken leg + a juice and a coffee....nothing wrong with that...except he was dining alone!! :D  Now we know why an American-sized portion has to be shared by two here :D]
Our drinks for the evening:

Cold Americano @ RM7

Iced Lemon Tea @ RM8
My Personal Opinion

If you're looking for a reasonably affordable eat at The Intermark, this is probably it as the other places here are more 'upmarket'. 

Even a pc of uncooked salmon from Jaya Grocer will set you back about RM30...and you have to pay to get it cooked at Fresco.....and the salmon comes with 'no frills' :'(

So, it's a worthwhile place to have a bite after some grocery shopping!

Bonjour Garden Café
Lot LC-01-08 Intermark Mall
The Intermark
No 348 Jalan Tun Razak
50400 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-2181 1822


  1. Bonjour? French? Dishes served sure don't look like it. Yes, they tend to get the salmon skin a tad too dark, like burnt, but it may be due to the marinades used.

    1. No, this is not a French restaurant...certainly not at these prices! The only French influence here (if you've read my previous review) is their bakery and pastries. The salmon skin was crispy and didn't have the burnt taste, so it was alright :)

  2. story 1....alamakkkkkkk.......LOL ..failed la him

    Story 2...Now i baru understand too. We are small eater here

    1. Yeah, that's why I'm extra careful not to order too much at American-type restaurants.

  3. I have the same comment as STP. How come this is not a French restaurant? Terribly misleading name LOL!
    Angmohs don't see coffee as a drink. When dining, they will have a drink, or a coffee plus a drink :D

    1. Not misleading lah (see my comment to STP)...

  4. ooo, when i saw the chicken, my first thought was hmmm, i'm not sure i want the sauce, maybe it should be placed on the side .... but reading your description of the sauce, it sounds like it really complements the meat! :)

    1. That's how I feel with good steaks too...I wouldn't be too happy if they served the sauce on top coz I like them 'naked' :D

  5. Ah, you just reminded me that I have yet to visit Intermark. I don't like to eat overdone salmon. Usually I bring my own container to pack leftovers home since I am a small eater. If I still need a bag, I will ask for one and pack the leftovers myself because who knows what happen to the food when it has left my sight - one piece could have dropped to the floor while being packed and they may just pick it up and pack it also.

    This really happen in front of my eyes in China. A piece of food fell of the plate while the waitress was serving us food and she just use her hand to pick it up from the table and toss it back onto the plate - yucks!

    1. That's horrible :( I hope you 'sounded' off that waitress!!
