
Monday 17 November 2014

#ewew makes Easy-Peasy Fruit Salad

Let me show you a dish that you don't have to cook!!  Sounds good?...this is a salad that I've prepared many times for family and friends (to rousing reviews) and the best thing involves no cooking at all!  Sometimes, it's the simplest of things that make the biggest impressions.

This Fruit Salad is so simple that it is absolutely ideal for buffet parties or as a starter to your 3-course western dinner.  It's also very versatile in that you can change or add in any fruits that you fancy (and it's like you have a different salad all the time).  Let me show you just how easy it is to put together :-)


2 cups seedless grapes (a mixture of green, red and purple grapes)
1 cup mango
1 cup honeydew
3 tbsp store-bought mayo
1 tbsp tomato ketchup


Wash and drain your fruits (really well).
Leave your seedless grapes whole.
Dice up the mango and honeydew.


Put all your diced up fruits + grapes into a large bowl.

In a small bowl, mix 3 tbsp of mayo with 1 tbsp of tomato ketchup (this is a rough ratio of 3:1, just stir until you get to the desired colour of light pink).  [#Tip: This is my simple version of Marie Rose or cocktail sauce.]  Depending on the amount of fruits you have, make more sauce (if need be) long as it's enough to coat your fruits.
Add the sauce into your fruits, stir until well combined and you're ready to serve.  [#Tip: If you're making this for a party, just remember to toss the fruits in the sauce, when you're about to serve, and not earlier, otherwise the fruits will release water and make your sauce watery.]  This can be served chilled or at room temperature.

This salad is so versatile that you can add in any combination of fruits that you like such as apples, pears, rock melon, strawberries, pineapples, kiwi, etc.  Just about any type of fruits will do except those with a high water content like watermelon and oranges so that your sauce does not become too watery (and that's why you need to drain your fruits well after washing).  I would also omit papaya as the taste is a bit overwhelming.
If you're having a sit-down 3-course western meal, serve it in a cocktail glass for a bit of finesse! :D  Or you can serve it as a side salad (on your main course plate) with a pc of grilled fish or chicken.
To make the dish more decadent, you can throw in some peeled boiled prawns and turn it into something like a prawn cocktail...which entails a bit more work if you're up for it...otherwise, don't bother.
I think this dish gets the 'wow' factor not because it's 'big' in the flavour department but probably because it looks like 'summer in a bowl' (the colour combination is absolutely beautiful) plus who doesn't like healthy, fresh, juicy fruits!
Try it. This is a failproof dish....even for those who don't or can't cook at it'll always come out great each and every time =)  There you have it folks...this is my easy-peasy Fruit Salad which is currently my all-time favourite salad to make.....and eat!!
Serves 3 - 4 (as a starter or side dish) or 6 - 8 (in a cocktail glass)


  1. Mayo and tomato ketchup - I do that a lot too. Prefer it that way to just plain mayo, very nice.

    1. Yeah, just plain mayo is a bit more "jelat" if too much....the tomato ketchup brings some tanginess to the sauce.

  2. This is something I never thought of making even though I love salads. I guess the only fruit salad that I have eaten is Rojak hah..hah... Yes, I'll be sure to try your fruit salad! For papaya I love it with lime juice.

    1. This fruit salad is, of course, more healthy than a "fruit rojak"! Yes, a little lime juice on those small Hawaiian papayas brings it to whole new level ;)

  3. okie, to be honest, i don't like fruit salads, and i've always avoided them ... generally the choice/combo of fruits and the dressing for most recipes don't really speak to me. maybe your recipe could be the one that finally changes my mind and awakens my taste buds to the pleasures of a fruit salad :)

    1. Your mom will always your fruits and vegetables, son! I guess you need a little something 'extra' with your a pc of cake, some pastry or a dollop of ice cream :D

    2. Or you can add some big, juicy, poached prawns to it, Sean. That'll change your mind to the simple pleasures of eating a fruit salad =)

  4. I never know tomato ketchup is used in fruit salad. I prefer to eat fruits just as they are. No need to make into a salad but many people would like yours because you used expensive and tasty fruits.

    1. Think of prawn and mango cocktail and you'll realise that fruits and ketchup (as in Rose Marie sauce) do go well together :)

    2. Not to say that they do not go well together, just that I prefer to enjoy the fruits in their "pure" taste. :)

    3. I like fruits in their 'pure' form too!

  5. sounds easy! but those fruits don't come cheap :P

    1. It is...super easy! The only way you can elevate a fruit salad is to use expensive fruits :D
