
Tuesday 25 November 2014

#ewew cooks Radish Soup with Pork Ribs

I love to drink soups...just about any type of soup!  I can drink soup as a substitute for lunch....that's just how much I love soup.  And, one of the easiest soups to make is Radish Soup with Pork Ribs, a comforting soup that is common in many Chinese households.
Although this soup is nice to drink, the smell of it (when the soup is boiling) is another story altogether.  It will 'stink' up your house!  I guess you have to bear with something that doesn't smell nice, but tastes good, if you want to drink this soup.


10 pcs pork ribs (about 250g)
1 medium Chinese radish (or white carrot)
1 medium carrot
10 red dates
5 pcs dried cuttlefish heads
5 dried scallops
Salt & white pepper to taste


Trim off any excess fat from the pork ribs.
Cut the Chinese radish and carrot into thick slices (or chunks).
Rinse your dried cuttlefish, scallops and red dates.
[#Note: I would normally put about 10 red dates in (but since I only had 5 left in my fridge...5 will have to do in this instance).  The red dates bring a touch of sweetness to your soup.]


Bring some water to boil and pour over the pork ribs.  This is one step that I don't omit when it comes to making soup.  Seeping the pork ribs in hot water (for about 5 mins) allow the impurities in the meat to surface and be discarded.  This will make your soup less cloudy and give it a clearer broth.
After that, I just dump everything into a 1.5L slow cooker and top it with boiling water (until about an inch from the top).  Season to taste.
Let it boil/simmer for at least 3 hours (or until the white and orange carrots are soft).  In the meantime, you can run your errands, get your hair done, or whatever you wish to do...and the soup will be ready by the time you return for lunch.

How easy was that.....all it entails is dumping everything into a slow cooker and let it simmer away.  This is one of the few soups that my son enjoys.  [#Note: I like this soup a lot but many old wives' tale says that you're not supposed to drink this soup if you're on medication (not sure if that meant just traditional herbal medicine or includes western medication as well).  And then, there's another tale that says white radish and red carrot should not be cooked together.]  Begone...all tales....and let me enjoy my soup!
For a heartier meal, I like to put rice into the soup.....and eat it like this!
Serves 3 - 4 (soup-sized bowls) or just 1 (I can drink all by myself).


  1. doesnt smell nice meh? But i like wor.

    1. Glad you like the smell and the taste. I don't know why, but when I make this soup, the smell permeates the entire house. I guess I have to tahan the smell lah since I like this soup so much.

    2. I also like the smell of the soup while it is cooking. You don't like the smell of white radish when it is cooking is it?

    3. I can tolerate the smell but my husband hates it!

  2. i love radish soup, it reminds me of childhood times when my grandmother or aunts would cook this. back then, i didn't like pork though, so the version we had was more often chicken. your version looks like one my grandmother would heartily approve of! :)

    1. Yeah, my mom used to make this for me too. I always use pork ribs for my soup base as it tastes a lot better than chicken ;)

  3. I love this...but I never add the carrot. Sometimes, I add dried cuttlefish, will bring the taste to a whole new level - very very sweet. But white radish detoxifies - good for health...but not if you are on medication and supplements. It will cleanse everything out!

    1. Try with carrot the next brings some sweetness to the soup! I agree with you on the dried cuttlefish thing...I use it in my soups too. Ahh, so you believe those old wives' tale (or old man's tale in your case) :D :D

  4. I love soups too! I prefer veggie and grain soups though. I'm especially fond of pumpkin, but like carrot orange and ginger too.

    1. Yes, soups are comfort food...but I've never had one with orange and ginger in it though!

  5. I know what you mean by the smell :) The radish emits a sulphurous smell but somehow it tastes good. I also mix carrots and radish in my soups and I can have it as my main meal. In fact I have soup for breakfast. So hearty and filling!

    1. Smelly but good...something like stinky tofu, I guess, though I can't bring myself to try stinky tofu (that stinkiness is on a whole different level). But those who love stinky tofu will tell you's not stinky, it's fragrant! :D

    2. You have not eaten stinky tofu? Must try especially those wet ones in Taiwan. Not those deep fried ones.

    3. Eww...there are things I won't try and this is one of it!
