
Wednesday 15 October 2014

#ewew makes Mamee Chef Curry Laksa

Ever since I began on "the journey (aiyah, not the movie lah) of discovery (and tasting)" of the latest instant noodles that came out in the market like Maggi Royale Penang Seafood Curry, MyKuali's Penang White Curry Noodles and Penang Hokkien Prawn Noodle, I've been 'bitten by the bug' of wanting to discover (though some of them may not be new) and taste even more instant noodles.

My husband said that his colleague's favourite curry noodle is Mamee Chef Curry Laksa.  This particular brand of noodle is endorsed by one of Malaysia's well-known chefs...Chef Ismail (although not as renowned as Chef Wan)!

And, based on that remark, I went out and got myself a pack of Mamee Chef Curry Laksa, which retails at around RM5.99 for 4 packets, thus making it the cheapest of the 4 that I've blogged about previously.

It comes with 3 sachets of seasoning........

.....a seasoning powder for the soup, a cooked chilli paste and garnishes of dried (or dehydrated) tofu puffs, red chillies and spring onions.

This is how the dried instant noodles look like.  At a glance, you'd realise that the noodle is rounded in shape, unlike the others which usually comes in squares.  This, I feel, deserves an extra 'brownie point' ;)

I usually cook the chilli paste in water first to ensure the paste is fully dissolved.  Then, I would add instant noodles and the dried tofu puffs/sliced red chillies/spring onions to rehydrate them.

Or you can add all 3 at one go (as per the prescribed directions)...if you're just plain lazy (like I am at times)!  Now, you'll understand why the noodles get an extra 'brownie point' from see, I use a Pyrex jug to cook my noodles in my microwave oven and a round noodle sits perfectly in it and I don't have to press the noodles into the water (midway through the cooking process) like those darn square ones!

This is my bowl of Mamee Chef Curry Laksa....ready for slurrppping!!  I must say that I do like the taste of this one coz it has a tangy flavour to it (which the others didn't have).  Eating this, one feels less "jelat" (cloying) and the addition of the garnishes was a nice touch. 

Also, I found the noodles texture to be better than MyKuali's but not as good as Maggi's...after all, they boast of a "pulled noodles technology" that's different from the norm.

For a (slightly) more decadent bowl of Mamee Chef Curry Laksa, add some fried egg and vegetables (like long beans or cabbage).  This one is with "sang choy".....I know, I know...who puts Chinese lettuce in curry....I'm sorry but that was all I could find in my fridge then.

With all the hype about MyKuali Penang White Curry Noodles, I'm going to 'go out on a limb' and say that I prefer this more understated one, Mamee Chef Curry Laksa, although my undisputed favourite (for now) is still Maggi Royale Penang Seafood Curry.

Continuing with my instant noodles journey.....till my next find!


  1. Hi there! ahahaha....I used to do this too, a long time ago. Explore instant noodles. At one time Maggi used to have instant koay teow soup. I tried it but it had a funny after taste. But I haven't had instant noodles for ages already. Maybe I should re-visit it just for old times sake!

  2. Thanks for dropping by. Yeah, everyone needs an instant noodle moment.....once in a's timeless! Maggi instant kuey teow soup? Never knew it existed.

  3. Mamee chef curry laksa is it available in cups too? My spouse bought a few but I did not really take a proper look at what flavour he got.

    1. Yeah, I think I saw them in cups but instant noodles in cup form (I don't know why) just doesn't quite taste the same. I only eat them in cup form when I'm super lazy (like late night supper...once in a blue moon)!
