
Monday 29 September 2014

Victoria Station @ Ampang

Victoria Station (VS) @ Ampang has been a popular haunt for affordable steaks (for me) for quite a while now although I didn't have that great a dining experience the last time I was here (you can read about my previous visit here).

Giving them the benefit of the doubt, I just had to come back to sample their steaks again...just to be sure that they're still the 'House of Fine Steak'.

Without further ado, let's get to the food.  They do serve you complimentary bread here though it's not anything great.

So, I like to order their Garlic Toast @ RM2.90/pc coz the slice of baguette comes spread with a thick dose of garlic on it.  You have to order this when you're here as it's one of the most garlicky toasts I've ever eaten.

A starter we'd usually order is the VS Escargots (1/2 doz) @ RM17.90 (and, let me tell you, half doz is never enough).  This French delicacy of edible snails, baked in a mouth watering garlic sauce, is their No. 1 selling appetiser.  I know it sounds disgusting but it's not like you're eating slimy snails from your garden, oh no!  These ones are really tasty especially when cooked in a buttery and garlicky sauce...yum (but if you're on a could be too much garlic)!!

I always like to start off my meal with their Sharksfin & Crabmeat Soup @ RM16.90 which is traditionally a very 'Chinese' soup made in a western restaurant.  I've drank this soup countless of times when I'm here and it has always been nice and thick.  However, this time though, it was a tad watery but the flavour was still there.  Another soup that I like is their signature VS Oxtail Soup @ RM15.90 followed by their Baked French Onion Soup @ RM11.90.  However, I'm not a fan of their seafood soups which taste a bit fishy to me.

I also adore their other starters like Seafood Cocktail @ RM 14.90 and Mango & Shrimp Cocktail @ RM13.90 served with their signature VS cocktail sauce.  Another favourite appetiser is the VS Potato Skin @ RM7.90, stuffed with crumbled smoked chicken and minced vegetables, with a crust of breadcrumb and melted cheese.  But their oysters are pretty expensive (close to RM50 for 1/2 doz).

Now, on to our main courses.  One of our main dishes was the Neptune Mermaid Delight @ RM39.90 which was a combination of deep-sea prawns and grilled fish fillet served with chips, corn on the cob and salad.  [Tip: You can also choose other combos like Neptune Taurus (prawns & beef), Neptune Aries (prawns & lamb) or Neptune Phoenix (prawns & chicken), all priced between RM37.90 - RM47.90, so there's a combo that's bound to suit you.]

The fish fillet was nicely grilled and topped with their signature VS brown sauce.  The fish was alright...soft and flaky.

The prawns, on the other hand, seemed to have shrunk in size.

Taste wise, it was ok although the overall portion size is a tad smaller than the one we had a few months ago (see pic on the left).

Our other main course, of course, has to be a steak.  My order of VS Ribeye @ RM62.90 was served with a side of baked potato, corn on the cob, sautéed mushrooms and fresh salad.

The salad was served separately and has shredded white and purple cabbage, sliced green bell pepper, pineapple, cucumber, tomato and lettuce leaves with a Thousand Island sauce.  It was simple and fresh.

The baked potato, which was topped with condiments of sour cream, crumbled minced chicken and chopped spring onions, was soft and savoury.

The sautéed mushrooms with sliced green bell peppers and onions were nice and something different from the usual boiled cauliflower, broccoli and carrots.

Finally, we come to the 'star of the show'...the ribeye.  It doesn't come with any sauce and that's how I like it anyway...'naked' in all its glory!

The ribeye was perfectly cooked to medium rare as requested although there was a bit of fat at the sides that should have been trimmed.  The steak had a nice sear on it and was tender and flavourful but it would have been so much better if it was still hot when I got round to eating it...T_T!

I didn't appreciate that my main course arrived at my table a little sooner than it should have as I was only half way through my soup and I had not even eaten my garlic toast or salad yet.

The fresh juices here are very reasonably priced and this was my Watermelon Juice @ RM7.90 which is cheaper than most places.

[#Story:  When I was dining there, I couldn't help but notice a lady at the next table to ours who would get up and help herself to more condiments and sauce (from the 4-in-1 container left on the side counter) whenever she feels like it (like 3 times)...she treated it like it was a banana leaf restaurant!  Once, the waiter saw and quickly went to her aid.  I don't know where she learnt her table manners and etiquette as other diners (like me) may find it improper (disgusting actually) and unhygienic for her to handle the condiments that are 'common' to other diners as well.  After all, we pay to be served, why the heck should we self-serve ourselves!  Worst still, there was this elderly lady (I think she was the lady's mom) who was sitting with her back towards me but turned her entire body around (after she has finished eating) and stared at me and my food (for a fairly long while).  Didn't anyone tell her it's rude to stare at people while they're eating!  Maybe, they don't get out very often :P  That goes to show that 'the apple doesn't fall far from the tree'!!]

My Personal Opinion

For me, to have a good western dining experience, the dishes (from one course to another) have to be timed perfectly.  The restaurant staff and cooks should allow the customer to finish one course before proceeding to bring out the next course (starter-main-dessert-coffee, if you go through the entire course). 

I must say, that when I dined at places like the Fisherman's Cove, Angus Steakhouse or The Pressroom, the arrival of dishes are always perfectly timed.  Unfortunately, this was not the case here (though, at times, they do get it right).  The meal seems rushed (kinda like when dining in Coliseum) even when ordering (and their menu is freaking long...they should seriously think about making it more concise).  I have also dined at their Medan Damansara Station and I think the food and service is a little bit more quality there.

Having said that, it's still the 'House of Fine Steak'....for affordable steaks if you can forgive the 'finesse'!

Victoria Station
The House of Fine Steak
243 Jalan Ampang
50450 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-42573388


  1. I have eaten the snails before many years ago. Not really a steak person so I did not visit them again.

    1. I wasn't a steak person until much later in life coz I've always associated beef to be gamey (including those I've eaten). But, eversince I started eating good quality steaks (especially those not doused in sauce), my perception has changed and now it's one of my favourite things to eat.

    2. Oh, I actually love the taste of beef, mutton and duck meat, the stronger the better but I can not eat that much meat at one sitting. The most for me is just two mouthfuls will be enough so I cannot order a whole steak.
