
Monday 15 September 2014

#ewew cooks Pan-Fried (Frozen) Fish Fillet

For the super busy women out there who juggles work and kids and don't really have time to cook, I have a failproof recipe to share with you that's fast to cook and good to's my Pan-Fried (Frozen) Fish Fillet with a side of potatoes, mushrooms and vegetables.
Who would have thought that using a piece of frozen fish fillet (stored conveniently in your freezer, ready for your use at anytime) would turn out so well...and it certainly did.  It's a simple, healthy dish that you and your family are gonna love!
You see, I was recently introduced to this local frozen fish fillet supplier, Goh Siong Tee Marine Product Sdn Bhd (GST Group from Penang), through samplings in Jusco supermarket.  Their brand of Fresh Island Frozen Fish Fillet does not smell 'fishy' at all when defrosted.  
It seems their frozen fish fillets are mainly exported to Europe, Australia and USA.  [#Note: So, my rationale is...if it's packed here and exported overseas, it would probably be fresher than those frozen fish packed overseas and exported here.] 
They have a few different types of frozen fish namely Red Snapper (Ikan Merah) Fillet @ RM16.90, Golden Pomfret (Bawal Emas) Fillet @ RM12.90, Barramundi (Siakap) Fillet @ RM12.90, Tilapia ("Fei Chau") Fillet @ RM6.90 and Grouper (Kerapu) Fillet @ 17.90.  I actually bought a few types of fish to try (and some has remained in my freezer for more than a month) but still tasted good when I finally cooked them.
All you have to do is just pan-fry the fish fillets and prepare a side of fried potatoes, mushrooms and vegetables to make a complete dish.  Although, in the samplings, the chefs did cook them with a few different sauces, but that's just too complicated and too much 'work'.
Frozen Golden Pomfret Fillet @ RM12.90
This is the frozen Golden Pomfret Fillet with sautéed brown button mushrooms and French beans.  This fish comes with skin on, so ensure you fry the skin till crispy (use a knob of butter to help it along).  The fish is delicate and tastes just like any fresh promfret (and with no bones to boot).
It turned out pretty well in terms of freshness and taste.  It's not cheap for just a thin piece of fillet (especially the red snapper and grouper fillets) but, then again, good quality (frozen) things don't come cheap.
Frozen Tilapia Fillet @ RM6.90

This is the pan-fried frozen Tilapia Fillet with white button mushrooms and asparagus.  Although "fei chau yue" is known for its muddy taste, this didn't taste muddy at all and was 'great value for money'.

Does this look good or what?  One slice of fillet is just nice as one serving for a small-eater, just load the plate with more vegetables for a 'fuller' meal.  [#Tip: A cheaper substitute for asparagus would be to use French beans.]

Since the tilapia fillet is the cheapest among them at only RM6.90, you can double it up (for your man) for a bigger serving size :)  This is 2 slices of tilapia fillet with brown button mushrooms.  [#Tip: I prefer fresh brown button mushrooms to white ones, even though they are slightly more expensive, as they taste better and keep longer in the fridge.]

Frozen Barramundi Fillet @ RM12.90

This is the frozen Barramundi Fillet with pan-fried brown button mushrooms, French beans and crispy skin.  Just use olive oil and omit the butter if you want a healthier option.
And there you have it, another piece of delicious barramundi fillet...simply cooked.  Choosing my favourite out of the 3 is difficult coz all 3 are equally good.  If I had to choose....I'll have to go with the tilapia (based on value), the barramundi (based on crispy skin) and pomfret (based on the taste of the fish).....does that make sense?
Just remember 3 things...1) season everything with with a good pinch of salt and black pepper, 2) use a non-stick pan and 3) serve with a squeeze of lemon...and you're on your way to a satisfying, home-cooked meal!
For those of you who are 'lazy' to cook and wash, it can't get any simpler than this.  It's an 'all-in-one-pan' kind of's's's failproof (anyone can do it)!  Try'll like it!!
But, just in case you're not into frozen fish fillets, you can always get yourselves a pc of fresh fish fillet (this is Snapper Fillet, by the way, @ RM75/kg).
And the finished product looks like this.....enjoy!
Each dish serves 1 (light eater).


  1. Thank you for sharing this. I am definitely going to check this out as I do my grocery shopping at Aeon. Do we need to wash the fish fillet after defrosting it?

    1. I'm not sure if we're supposed to wash them first but I don't. After all, it looks so hygienically packed! Let me know how you find the taste (and the easy-peasy cooking) once you've tried this.
