
Tuesday 17 June 2014

Restoran Queen's (Satay) @ Jalan Peel

This eating place, known as Restoran Queen's @ Jalan Peel, is hardly fit for a queen (let alone a peasant) if you look at the surroundings.  If you want to eat here, just focus on the food and not the surroundings.

You will find tables and chairs lined just beside the road but it's pretty safe as cars and motorbikes parked along the road will shield you from the moving cars that whizzes pass you.  Or you can choose to sit inside the restaurant (which I won't advise) as it looks really old and dirty....better to sit outside (which is less stuffy and more airy from the natural gust of wind...aiyah, free air ventilator, mah)!

This place is probably best known for their Satay @ RM0.80 a stick which is considered reasonable.  Here's our plate of 15 sticks of satay @ RM12 with the slightly spicy peanut chilli sauce.  The satay man's incessant fanning of the smoke gives it the smoky flavour with well charred bits (from the chicken skin between the meat), though some may baulk at the sight of the burned bits but that's the only way to enjoy satay...burned bits and all!!  My only dislike is the bits of chicken skin in between the satay.  Though no where near as good as the one in Kajang, it will have to do (when I have a satay craving) due to its proximity to where I stay.

We also ordered my husband's favourite which is a bowl of Pig Offal Soup @ RM6.  This kind of soup is not for the 'faint of heart' as it contains all the innards of a pig such as stomach, intestines, liver, heart, blood cubes, tongue or whatever other parts, with pork meat slices and strips of salted vegetables.  The clear and flavourful broth (good to the last drop) is boiled with lots of pork bones (and steeped in pig innards) and served with a slightly tart and spicy chilli dip.  [#Tip: All stuff good (and tasty) for you may not be good for your body!]

There's also a stall selling Chinese nasi lemak which is always crowded with customers.  This is the Nasi Lemak (with chicken rendang, curry potatoes and sautéed cabbage) @ RM6.50 which wasn't too bad but, of course, can't rival the Malay type of nasi lemak.  For some reason, the Chinese just can't make a good "sambal"!

Another popular stall here is the Grilled Chicken Wings @ RM4.40 (for a pair).  The glistening, glazed and charred chicken wing was aromatic and inviting.  When you bite into it, the meat was juicy and tender, and you can dip it into the chilli sauce that comes with the wings but I like to eat it on its own to savour the smoky, grilled flavour.

As we always choose a table near the Fried Hokkien Mee stall, it's only courteous to (at least) order from that stall.  This is our Fried Hokkien Mee (for 2 pax) @ RM12 which had fried pork lard bits in it but taste wise....just edible.

Another well known stall here is the one selling "pau" (steamed buns), "lor mai kai" (steamed glutinous rice with chicken) and "siew mai" (steamed pork dumpling).  Their "Char Siew Pau" (barbequed pork buns) @ RM1.30 is really good.  The pau is very soft and fluffy, probably one of the softest I've eaten, with a flavourful 'reddish' char siew filling (though I much prefer a 'blackish' char siew).  [#Tip: Though I prefer this ultra soft bun, I can't help but prefer the char siew filling of the one from Loong Seng.]

You can either eat there (where they give you hot-steaming ones) or you can "ta pau" (pack) cold ones and take them home to steam (I packed mine and steamed it the next day and it still tasted just as good).  [#Note: Seeing customers "ta pau" like 10 or 20 "char siew pau"s, at one go, is not unusual.]

There's also a stall selling steamed fish and "soong" (Asian carp) fish head which is also quite good.  For a little more variety, you can order some "foo yoong tan" (fried omelette) and stir-fry vegetables to go with your fish and rice.  [#Tip: This was the place where I first "stole" some tips on how to steam fish actually.  As it is a stall by the road side, you can see them prep the fish for steaming.  They would lay a pair of chopsticks underneath the fish so that the 'cloudy' juices can run off the fish (to the bottom of the plate to be discarded) to get rid of the fishy taste.]

My Personal Opinion

There's quite a variety of good stuff here, at very affordable prices, which you can wash down with a refreshing glass of sugar cane or coconut water, albeit in 'not-so-clean' surroundings.

The best things here are the "char siew pau", grilled chicken wings and satay!

Restoran Queen's
96 Jalan Peel
50400 Kuala Lumpur


  1. If I am ever around in this area I think I will tapao the pig offal soup for my spouse since I don't think I would like to sit there to eat. He loves this kind of soup though I donot encourage him as it is like you say not so healthy.

    1. There's one thing I don't ta pau and that is soup coz I like to drink it hot...real hot! Once it's cooled (and reheated), I feel the integrity of the dish is compromised (as the pig innards will be more chewy) but if it's acceptable to you, by all means.

    2. My spouse would agree with you wholeheartedly. He loves drinking hot soup. Is the soup peppery?

    3. This soup is the clear version (like most pig innards soup with salted vege) though I've come across it in peppery soup as well (but very seldom). If your spouse likes it peppery, then I think he wants "chee tow tong" (peppery pig's stomach soup) which my spouse and I really like too.

  2. thank you for posting and the info :-)

    1. You're welcome....and thanks for dropping by :)
