
Tuesday 30 August 2016

Nanoblock #2 - Himeji Castle

This is one of my current past time...assembling nanoblocks!  After the initial purchase of my first nanoblock (the Cathedrale Notre-Dame de Paris), it wasn't long before my second purchase.

Continuing with my Sights to See series, my next one is the Himeji Castle in Japan (330 pcs @ RM79.90).  I have my friend to thank for passing me some vouchers that enabled me to buy some at discounted prices! *happy dance*

Himeji Castle is a hilltop Japanese castle complex located in Himeji, in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan.  Himeji Castle dates back to 1333 and was rebuilt as Himeyama Castle in 1346 and then remodelled to Himeji Castle two centuries later.  Completed in 1609, the castle complex as it survives today is over 400 years old.

Himeji Castle, with a network of more than 80 buildings, is the largest and most visited castle in Japan.  It's both a national treasure and a UNESCO world heritage site.

photo credit:

The castle has remained intact despite extensive bombing in World War II (1945) and survived the 1995 Great Hanshin earthquake.  In order to preserve the castle buildings, it recently underwent extensive restoration work for several years.  The works removed decades of dirt and grime, restoring the formerly grey roof to its original brilliant white colour.  It was fully reopened to the public in March 2015.

And here are the box's contents, instruction guide and all.  The micro-sized blocks proved to be quite a handful for my well 'rounded' fingers...haha! :D

Ta Himeji Castle nanoblock is fully assembled...and I think it's after the restoration works (with a lighter shade of grey roof as in the first two photos)....kekeke! :P  Well, this is just the nanoblock version...if you want to see the real thing, you may want to check out TM's blog.

Front View (finished size: L8 x W8 x H7.5 cm)

Top-down View

View from the Right

View from the Left

View from the Back

Although the Himeji Castle has lesser bricks (330) compared to the previous (400 bricks) Cathedrale Notre Dame de Paris, this proved a lot more challenging to assemble (level of difficulty 3 out of 5 as opposed to 2 out 5 for the cathedral).

I'm 100% sure I'd be buying more sets in the days ahead! ^_*


  1. Er... doesn't look like challenging. Looks like... a pile of light greys, stacked together...

    1. Wakakakakaka... his lava mouth!

    2. Er, you wouldn't know but assembling a pile of same colours (like the pile of light grey) is the most challenging! :P

  2. I look at those tiny nanoblocks and I already feel pening. LOL! I think it's a good hobby though, works the brains and hands. Since you enjoy it, keep it up!

  3. I played Lego when I was 7 years old and now there is Nano blocks! I must check it out as I saw them being sold everywhere.

    I love that Himeji Castle as it is the biggest in whole Japan. My wife told me that she had the best memorable holidays in Himeji eating barbequed skewers and getting drunk with sake!!

    1. I'd be very happy too eating Japanese barbequed skewers too.....but no sake for me! :D

  4. nice work! how many hours did this take to assemble? i'm gonna do a wild guess and say two and a half? :)

    1. Your wild guess would probably be correct.....just that I didn't finish assembling it in one go =)

  5. Are they produce by the same company as Lego? I know that castle! Osaka!

    1. That castle must be great in real life. I don't think it's the same with Lego as Nanoblock is a Japanese product.
