
Wednesday 7 October 2015

Cookie's Little Misadventure!

Well, since I featured Miao the other day, I have to give my Cookie his day in the sun too lest he be jealous!  So, here's another blog post starring my cat.

This Mr Busybody was busy inspecting the kitchen one day (as he usually would).  And then I heard some meowing cries.  I went to check and found him perched on top of my kitchen cabinet.

I've seen him jump on top of my microwave oven before making the next jump to the kitchen cabinet top.  That is his usual route up.

Initially, he was enjoying himself up there....having found a place with a good vantage point.

He was even relaxing at one point (shot taken from afar).

After some time has passed, he began to get bored.....

*bored face*

....and wanted to come down but, for some reason, this time, he couldn't retrace his steps and come back down via the microwave oven and was trapped with no way down (in his mind).

We tried to hold a stool out for him so that he can use that as a step down but he was too afraid to jump onto the stool.

After pacing up and down the kitchen cabinet top, with no way down in sight, he soon grew tired.....

...and even fell asleep a one point.

After much persuasion and encouragement from his human family (a long time later), he finally made the leap of faith......and was safely on the ground.  Clap! Clap! Clap!

And that was the end of Cookie's mini adventure (or shall I say misadventure) to a far away land.....known as "The Kitchen"! ;D

P/S:  Cookie:  I said it's time to feature me (again) on your blog but I didn't say to feature this embarrassing story of me lah! >.<


  1. hah..hah..hah...what a cute post! It's amazing how Cookie could jump up to the top of the kitchen cabinet. I wonder why he lost his bearing this time. He sure is a very handsome cat. Can't get tired looking at his handsome/cute face :) Very entertaining story and to Cookie, it's nothing to be embarrassed about!

    1. Cookie: *Blush blush* I know I'm handsome but I certainly don't mind being told repeatedly that I am! :D

  2. Cookie looks so relax with his two paws hanging over the kitchen cabinet. His human family is so supportive of him and encourage him until he dares to jump down from the high cabinet. Well done Cookie!

    1. He was relaxed....until he wanted to come down!

  3. haha, cookie is so cute la ... and a really healthy-looking cat too! so nicely groomed! :) i know that most cats instinctively like high vantage points ... your cat would be not too happy at my place, cos the highest perch i have is a small wardrobe in my bedroom that's barely five feet high :)

    1. Cookie: Yes, I go to the groomers every month to get my manicure and pedicure done......and to get "dolled up"....haha! Ya, it's a lot of work to look as good as I do! ;D

  4. What a cutie! Cookie looks all too innocent. :-)

    1. All pets seem to know how to use this 'innocent' look on their handlers :)

  5. Poor thing! But cats can jump from high high up...from the upper storey of my house right down to my compound, no problem at all. They have good "landing gear". Love your kitchen cabinets.

    1. Yeah, cats seem to land on their feet all the time. Thanks, my kitchen cabinets are from Ikea which I designed (more like put together) on my own. That's what attracted me to it, you can put it together exactly the way you want.

  6. I wonder if he will learn his lesson and not simply jump so high up again in the future. Probably not, hahaha!

    1. You guessed right. He was at it a few days later but manages to come down without any problems.

  7. case of cat being a cat, can't do much about that.

    1. I'm sure you've had similar experiences with your cat too.
